A sentence “I have nothing to wear” has become known worldwide, people use it in many different languages. It’s almost a slogan for the “fast fashion” industry. And that is what we need to talk about in every language possible. Fast fashion has conquered the earth with cheap clothes, cheap working force and thus leaving 85% of textile going into landfill each year, making fast fashion unsustainable. Not only does it hit a high note on pollution, fast fashion production also uses an insane amount of water, which only adds to the worsening condition of our home - planet earth. Everyone is attracted to new trends, new colors and new looks, and that is what’s holding fast fashion on pedestal - all the consumers, who can’t say no to one or two new trendy jackets. It is all of our duty, to look after the earth, to try to consume and pollute a little less. Buy clothes only when needed, try to hold back against all those pretty prices, it is only our obligation to leave earth a little better place every single day. And if we continue this circle of throwing away what is still usable, our future generations might feel the high impact of our doings. Be responsible.

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